Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap

Unforgettable Angkor Wat Tours from Siem Rea – Discover Now Your Ultimate Temple Adventure

Embark on life-changing Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap! Explore iconic temples, uncover hidden gems, and create memories that’ll last a lifetime. Your perfect tour awaits!

Embark on life-changing Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap! Explore iconic temples, uncover hidden gems, and create memories that'll last a lifetime. Your perfect tour awaits!

Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap | Reveal the Mysteries of Angkor - Life-Changing Tours from Siem Reap You Can't Miss

Ah, Angkor Wat! Just mentioning this iconic UNESCO World Heritage site is enough to evoke images of ancient temples, lush jungles, and spectacular sunrises. Let’s be honest, though; figuring out how to make the most of your time in what was once the majestic capital of the Khmer Empire isn’t exactly a walk in the park.

That’s where we come in, with the top Sem Reap to Angkor Wat tours.

Now, if you’re anything like us, you’ll want to experience the magic of Angkor Wat up close and personal. And lucky for you, Siem Reap, a bustling little town chock-full of tourist-friendly amenities, is the perfect launching pad to get you there. From charming boutique hotels to delicious street food and everything in between, Siem Reap has got you covered.

But wait, there’s more! You didn’t think we’d just leave you hanging in Siem Reap without a plan, did you? That’s not our style. So in this handy guide, we’re going to explore the various tour options available to help you navigate the mesmerizing world of Angkor Wat.

We’ll even throw in some helpful tips to make sure you choose the best tour based on your own unique preferences and needs. After all, we want you to have an unforgettable experience – and trust us, you will.

Best sellers Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap

Angkor Wat opening hours everyday

Angkor Wat opening hours 

  • Angkor Wat’s ticket office is open from 5 AM to 5:30 PM.
  • Temples in the Angkor complex are open from 7:30 AM to 5:30 PM.
  • Srah Srang Lake and Angkor Wat have early opening hours of 5 AM – 5:30 PM.
  • Phnom Bakheng and Pre Rup have extended hours from morning to sunset.

As a general rule, only visit the Angkor archaeological park while it is still light outside. When it becomes dark at 5:30 PM, all road-ticket checkpoint guards close and stop working, you can still drive around the main roads, but you cannot enter any guarded temple after 5:30 PM (with the exception of Phnom Bakheng and Pre Rup). There are no lights in the woods at all.

To summarize, the Angkor Wat temple is open daily from 5 AM until 5.30 PM. The Angkor Archeological Park is open from 5 AM to 7 AM. Nevertheless, most temples are only open from 7.30 AM to 5.30 PM. The sole exceptions are the temples of Angkor Wat, Pre Rup, Phnom Bakheng, and Sras Srang, which are open from 5 AM to 7 PM.

At the start of your first Sem Reap to Angkor Wat tours, your private tour guide and private driver will always take care of stopping at the Angkor ticket office to guide you to buy the ticket you will need, depending on your Angkor tour itinerary with 

Our tour guides choose these as the best Siem Reap Angkor Wat tours

Siem Reap to Angkor Wat local guide

Oh, come on, choosing an Angkor Wat tour is like trying to pick a favorite flavor of ice cream – they are all fantastic, but you’ve gotta admit some are more amazing than others. So, here’s the scoop on ensuring you get the whole Angkor experience without feeling stuck in a never-ending game of Temple Run.

Let’s break down the array of temple-touring options like an all-you-can-eat buffet. Because when it comes to visiting the ancient city of Angkor, you want to savor every bite without biting off more than you can chew.

Get ready for a wild ride through jaw-dropping temples, secret passageways, and experiences that’ll have you questioning if Indiana Jones had it right all along.

We’ll be exploring everything from Angkor Sunrise guided tours (hello, budget-friendly Sunrise camaraderie!) to private full-day guided tours (fancy shmancy, you adventurous trendsetter, you), and even self-guided tours for the rebels among us who laugh in the face of danger (or, you know, just want to take their sweet time***).

[***In this exceptional case, if you do not wish to have a private guide with you, tell us before buying the tour so we can create a price precisely for you.]

And of course, no epic adventure would be complete without a rundown of the must-see temples. That’s right, folks—we are talking iconic sunrises, eerie stone faces, and even that famous tree-hugger of a temple you might recognize from the big screen. Plus, a sprinkle of hidden gems to make your tour genuinely one-of-a-kind.

Finally, because time is a fickle friend, we’ll help you weigh the pros and cons of different tour lengths. So, buckle up, my temple-loving amigos – let’s dive into the wild world of Angkor Wat tours and figure out how to make the most of your awe-inspiring journey.

Siem Reap to Angkor Wat Sunrise tours

Alright, let’s start with the all-time classic: the Angkor Sunrise guided tour. Perfect for those who want to witness incredible views while marveling at ancient wonders, like in a movie, these tours offer a cost-effective way to soak up all that juicy knowledge from a seasoned guide. The best? You don’t have to sacrifice a bit of personalization, and you don’t have to deal with a larger crowd. Still, if you’re on a budget and crave these Angkor Sunrise tours, the following guided tours are fantastic and budget-friendly.

Siem Reap to Angkor Wat Sunset tours with the best Siem Reap private guides

Now, for you sophisticated explorers who prefer a more personalized experience, there’s the private Angkor Sunset guided tours. Picture this: you, your very own expert guide, and a flexible itinerary that caters to your every whim.

Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it can be – just keep in mind that you’ll have to shell out some extra dough and plan ahead to make it happen.

If you’re more of the “I’ll do it my way” type, the self-guided tour is your jam. Here, you have the freedom to wander as you please, uncover hidden treasures at your own pace, and get up close and personal with every last stone carving (just don’t get too close – those ancient relics have a bit of a personal space issue). The downside? You’ll miss out on the insider knowledge from an expert guide, and might need to brush up on your Khmer skills to navigate the temples and local customs.

Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap - Evaluating Angkor Wat entrance fee

Now that we’ve sorted your tour style, let’s talk temples.

The main attraction is, of course, the jaw-dropping Angkor Wat temple complex. You’ll want to catch that iconic sunrise, snap fascinating “Instagram feed ready” photos of the breathtaking architecture, and immerse yourself in the fascinating history.

“Don’t forget the sunscreen – you are gonna need it.”

Next up is the entire Angkor Thom, with Bayon Temple, where countless enigmatic stone faces will greet you with enigmatic smirks. The depth of meaning and history included in the temple’s architecture will astound you.

Ever wondered what happens when nature takes over? Look no further than Ta Prohm. With tree roots weaving through ancient ruins, you’ll be transported to a magical world where humans and nature collide – and it’s pure Insta-gold.

Banteay Kdei temple would be our choice, next to Ta Prohm temple, seeing both of them is really unique. Banteay Kdei also sits right in front of Srah Srang: Stunning!

Before you get templed-out, be sure to add a few extra stops like Banteay Srei, Preah Khan, and some immersive cultural experiences in the area to spice things up.

You might need more than 1 day to see more amazing temples. That’s why we are here!

In fact, let’s tackle tour duration. Whether you’ve got just a few hours or several days to explore, there’s an Angkor Wat tour to suit your schedule.

Just remember, the longer the tour, the more you’ll get to see and experience, so choose wisely your Sem Reap to Angkor Wat tours!

Sounds dreamy, right? Well, it can be – just keep in mind that you’ll have to shell out some extra dough and plan ahead to make it happen.

If you’re more of the “I’ll do it my way” type, the self-guided tour is your jam. Here, you have the freedom to wander as you please, uncover hidden treasures at your own pace, and get up close and personal with every last stone carving (just don’t get too close – those ancient relics have a bit of a personal space issue). The downside? You’ll miss out on the insider knowledge from an expert guide, and might need to brush up on your Khmer skills to navigate the temples and local customs.

Understanding Angkor Entrance Fees

Let’s get straight to the point now. There are three different sorts of tickets for Angkor Wat, each corresponding to a different amount of time spent in the temple complex:

  • One-day pass: $37
  • Three-day pass: $62
  • Seven-day pass: $72

The three-day pass is the ideal option if you are interested in history or photography. It’s a great opportunity to take in the sights, get the ideal photo vantage point, and become intimately familiar with the temples.

but so many of our clients, not having many days available, often prefer our special three-day itinerary but only with the one-day ticket to Angkor (One-day pass: $37).

An itinerary perfectly tailored to their desires to discover more about Siem Reap, the countryside, and Tonle Sap Lake. In fact, after a first day in Angkor, they enjoy discovering so much of Siem Reap with our Siem Reap city tour, while on the third day, they discover all about Tonle Sap Lake with in our Siem Reap to Kompong Khleang floating village tour!

I want to remind you once again: Your private guide and driver for your first Sem Reap to Angkor Wat tours with will always make sure to stop at the Angkor ticket office and help you purchase the appropriate ticket for your tour schedule.

Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap - Assessing inclusions and exclusions

Picture this: You’re all set to embark on the adventure of a lifetime, exploring the ancient wonders of Angkor Wat. But wait, before you pack your bags and book that flight, you’ll need to make some decisions. Because when it comes to temple exploration, one size definitely doesn’t fit all. You’ve got unique tastes, quirks, and interests – and your Angkor Wat experience should be just as one-of-a-kind as you are.

Let’s talk inclusions and exclusions, folks. Yep, we’re diving deep into the nitty-gritty of personal preferences, physical fitness, and your undying love for all things historical, cultural, and Instagram-worthy.

It’s time to tailor that temple trek to match your heart’s desires without breaking a sweat (except for the unavoidable tropical climate).

First things first: personal preferences and needs. You know what they say, “different strokes for different folks.” So, before jumping headfirst into a tour, consider what makes your heart sing. Are you a social butterfly itching to make new friends, or a lone wolf on a quest for solitude? Perhaps you crave the guidance of a seasoned expert, or maybe you’re more of a “follow your instincts” type. Whatever your flavor, there’s a tour out there that’ll hit the sweet spot.

Next up: physical fitness and mobility requirements. We’re not all Olympic athletes or parkour enthusiasts, and that’s totally okay! Remember to factor in your energy levels and mobility when planning your temple excursion.

Whether you’re a spry adventurer or need some extra assistance, an Angkor Wat experience will accommodate your needs – without leaving you gasping for breath at the foot of an ancient stairway.

Finally, let’s talk interests. Are you a history buff with a penchant for unraveling the secrets of the past? A culture vulture with a taste for traditional arts and performances? Or a shutterbug who can’t resist capturing that perfect shot? Whatever your passion, keep it front and center when choosing your tour. After all, this isn’t just any old sightseeing trip – it’s your chance to explore one of the most incredible wonders of the world.

So there you have it, my soon-to-be-temple-touring comrades. With a little introspection and planning, you’ll be well on your way to an Angkor Wat experience that’s tailor-made for you. It’s time to take the leap, let your true colors shine, and make some epic memories among the ancient ruins. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

What is the price for a guided tuk tuk tour around Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom?

During our half-day Angkor Wat Tuk-Tuk tour, you will be able to climb atop a traditional Tuk-Tuk and travel through time. Prepare to be immersed in the rich culture and history of this UNESCO World Heritage site while visiting the ancient temples of Angkor Wat in a fresh and exciting way.

Make your Angkor Wat tour reservation as soon as possible to ensure the most wonderful experience.

What is the difference between Angkor Wat small circuit and grand circuit?

The majority of the “must do” temples are located on the small circuit, while the grand circuit features many of the same temples as the small circuit as well as others that are located further out from the main complex area.

The fact that the Angkor Wat small circuit can be completed in a single day and the grand circuit can be completed in two days is a huge draw for tourists and something most clients enjoy.

Still! Having just 1 day?

Oh, the age-old question: to go small or to go grand?

When it comes to exploring Angkor Wat, choosing between the Small Circuit and the Grand Circuit can feel like picking a favorite child – an impossible task!

But fear not, intrepid temple explorers, we’ve got the lowdown on what sets these two circuit options apart, so you can make the most informed decision for your epic adventure.

Let’s start with the Angkor Small Circuit, the shorter, more action-packed sibling of the two. It’s like a whirlwind tour of Angkor Wat’s greatest hits, covering the most iconic temples in a manageable loop. You’ll get to visit the big shots like Angkor Wat itself, Bayon Temple (home to those smirking stone faces), and Ta Prohm (where nature and ancient ruins collide in a tangled embrace). The Small Circuit is perfect for those with limited time, or for those who simply want to see the most famous sites without venturing too far off the beaten path.

1-day Angkor Wat GRAND LOOP Private tour

Now, enter the Grand Circuit, the adventurous older sibling who isn’t afraid to show off some hidden gems. While the Grand Circuit includes some of the same star attractions as the Small Circuit, it also takes you on a deeper journey through the Angkor Archaeological Park. You’ll visit lesser-known but equally magnificent temples like Preah Khan, Neak Pean, and Ta Som. If you’re the type who loves to explore beyond the usual tourist traps, the Grand Circuit is your ticket to a more immersive and extensive Angkor Wat experience.

So, there you have it.

The Small Circuit is like a greatest hits playlist, serving up the most iconic temples in a neat and tidy package. The Grand Circuit, on the other hand, is like a deep dive into your favorite artist’s discography, unearthing hidden treasures and lesser-known tracks that’ll have you falling in love with the ancient city all over again.

So put on some sun protection, secure your backpack with a sturdy strap, and get ready to start on the walk of a lifetime through the sacred temple grounds!

Last but not least

And so, fellow temple adventurers, we’ve reached the grand finale of our thrilling journey through the world of Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap. But before we ride off into the sunset, let’s take a moment to bask in the glow of the incredible experiences that await you. 

From breathtaking sunrises to awe-inspiring architecture, we’ve got you covered with a smorgasbord of tantalizing tours. So strap in, folks, and let’s take a whirlwind trip through the crevices and corridors of the most magical Angkor Wat tours out there.

Let’s start with the creme de la creme of temple touring – the Angkor Wat private tour. Imagine having the world-famous ruins all to yourself, with an expert Siem Reap private guide at your side, revealing the mysteries and secrets of this ancient wonder. 

It’s the kind of once-in-a-lifetime experience that’ll leave you with bragging rights for years to come. Sure, it might be a little pricier than other options, but as the saying goes, “you get what you pay for,” and this, my friends, is worth every penny.

First up, a sight that’ll make you question whether you’ve stumbled into a postcard: the Angkor Wat Sunrise Tour. 

We’re talking colors that’ll make your eyeballs dance, folks. And with a trusty Siem Reap private guide by your side, you’ll get all the juicy historical tidbits to impress your friends back home. 

This one’s an absolute must for anyone who’s ever dreamed of seeing the dawn break over the ancient temple complex.

Now, for all you camera-wielding enthusiasts out there, behold the Private Angkor Wat Mix Temples Photo Tour. This isn’t just any ol’ tour, friends – it’s a visual feast tailored for those who love to capture the world through a lens. 

You’ll get up close and personal with Angkor Wat’s most Instagrammable spots, guided by a Siem Reap private guide who knows all the best angles. 

“Trust me. Your followers will be eating out of the palm of your hand after this one.”

For those keen to take the road less traveled, we’ve got a little something that’ll tickle your fancy: the 1-Day Angkor Wat Small Loop Private Tour. This gem of a journey takes you on an intimate exploration of the temple complex’s lesser-known wonders. 

With a knowledgeable guide at the helm, you’ll uncover hidden nooks and crannies that’ll make you feel like you’ve stumbled onto a secret treasure. 

And let's face it, who doesn't love a good Angkor treasure hunt?

Last but certainly not least, prepare to be dazzled by the 1-Day Angkor Wat Grand Loop Private Tour. 

This is the granddaddy of all Angkor Wat tours, the pièce de résistance, the cherry on top of your Siem Reap temple-touring sundae. 

You’ll not only visit the iconic Angkor Wat, Bayon, and Ta Prohm temples but also venture into the lesser-known realms of Preah Khan, Neak Pean, and Ta Som. Talk about an adventure that’ll leave you breathless!

So, there you have it, temple-trekking enthusiasts – a smorgasbord of awe-inspiring Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap to suit every taste and budget. Whether you’re a history buff, a sunrise chaser, or a photography fanatic, there’s a tour with your name on it, just waiting to sweep you off your feet.

As we part ways, remember to savor every moment of your Angkor Wat adventure. Soak up the rich history, marvel at the intricate carvings, and snap a few envy, inducing photos for good measure. 

…And when you find yourself surrounded by the temple walls, take a moment to breathe and appreciate the magnificence of it all. After all, experiences like these don’t come around every day.

As you embark on your chosen Angkor Wat tour, don’t forget to embrace the unexpected. Venture off the beaten path, strike up conversations with fellow travelers, and dive headfirst into the local culture. 

When you come across a seemingly insurmountable obstacle, remember the wise words of your friendly Siem Reap private guide, who’s always ready with a trusty tidbit of advice.

In the end, the memories you make on your Angkor Wat tour from Siem Reap will be as unique as you are. And whether you choose the sunrise tour, the photo tour, the small loop tour, or the grand loop tour, one thing’s for sure – you’re in for the adventure of a lifetime.

And with that, our temple-touring tale comes to a close. But fear not, fellow explorers, for this, is only the beginning of your Angkor Wat journey. 

So gather your gear, dust off your walking shoes, and prepare to embark on an unforgettable voyage into the heart of Cambodia’s ancient wonders. As they say, fortune favors the bold – and trust me, there’s plenty of fortune to be found among the ruins of Angkor Wat.

So what are you waiting for? 

Book one of these fantastic Angkor Wat tours from Siem Reap today and start counting down the days until your temple-trekking dreams come true.

With the perfect tour in your pocket and an open heart, the ancient world of Angkor Wat is yours to explore. Safe travels, fellow adventurers, and may your journey be filled with the magic of discovery.

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